Thanks Dave.  As an AS developer I'm glad that the distinction Flash design and Flash 
development is made clear.  I stink so bad at design I might as well be color blind, 
but I spend a majority of my time in Flash....
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Dave Watts 
  To: CF-Talk 
  Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2002 1:14 PM
  Subject: RE: DevCon 2002 info

  > Is it me, or do most of the topics covered at DevCon seem to 
  > be aimed at designers and not the CF world? A large percentage 
  > of the sessions seem to be focused highly on Flash, Dreamweaver 
  > and other Studio MX products. Or, perhaps it seems this way to
  > me because I work at somewhere that has no plans to use any of 
  > the Flash integration features of MX or most of the other MX
  > Studio products?

  While many topics cover Flash MX and Dreamweaver MX, I think it would be a
  mistake to assume that the focus of those products is limited to designers.
  We do a lot of Flash work here, and while good design is important, it's not
  really the focus of that work. It's worthwhile to think about Flash the same
  way that you'd think about other application development tools that allow
  you to build GUIs - you use them to build front ends (which typically
  contain presentation logic that can be quite complex) for back-end
  applications, much like you might have used Visual Basic five years ago (or
  now, for that matter) to build front ends for client-server applications.

  As for Dreamweaver MX, it's a text editor, and while it has lots of features
  that make it more useful to designers than other text editors may be, MM is
  positioning it to be a "one-size-fits-all" development tool. While many here
  may argue about the validity of that position, it's certainly the direction
  in which Dreamweaver is going. And as I start to use it more and more
  myself, I can understand that position - and I'm certainly no designer.
  Trust me on that.

  Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
  voice: (202) 797-5496
  fax: (202) 797-5444
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