Here's the code if you want it.
Beware of wrapping


<!-- *** David DiPietro *** -->
<!-- *** Last updated 07/03/2002 *** -->
<!-- *** Feel Free to use and modify this and pass it to friends. *** -->
<!-- *** Hope it makes your lives easier. *** -->
<!-- *** This is being run with a SQL Server Back End *** -->

<!-- *** Getting Column names from a Table
First select the sysObject id from dbo.sysobjects
Where name = 'TableName'
Then Select * from dbo.syscolumns where ID = TheFirstQueryID.
 *** -->
<cfset colNum = 3>
<cfset tWidth = 500>
<cfset tableColor = '##E7E8D3'>
<cfset labelRowColor = '##CCCC99'>
<cfset inputRowColor = '##E7E8D3'>
<cfset T1BGcolor = '##E7E8D3'><!--- *** Main Table BGColor - T1BGcolor *** --->
<cfset T1Spacer1Color = 'White'><!--- *** 1st spacer color - T1Spacer1Color *** --->
<cfset T1Spacer2Color = '##800000'><!--- *** 2nd spacer color - T1Spacer2Color
*** --->
<cfset T1RBGcolor = ''><!--- *** Main Table Row BGColor - T1RBGcolor *** --->
<cfset STBGcolor = '##CCCC99'><!--- *** Sub Table BGColor - STBGcolor *** --->
<cfset STColor1 = '##FFFFFF'><!--- *** Sub Table Color1 - STColor1 *** --->
<cfset STColor2 = '##006363'><!--- *** Sub Table Color2 - STColor2 *** --->
<cfset STRowcolor = ''><!--- *** Sub Table RowColor - STRowcolor *** --->
<cfset MHFont1 = '<font size="3" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"
color="##003030">'><!--- *** Main Headline Font1 - MHFont1 *** --->
<cfset MDFColor = '<font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"
color="##003030">'><!--- *** Main Detail Font - MDFColor *** --->
<cfset MDFColorTiny = '<font size="1" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"
color="##003030">'><!--- *** Main Detail FontTiny - MDFColorTiny *** --->
<cfset SHFColor = '<font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"
color="##666633">'><!--- *** Sub Headline Font Color - SHFColor *** --->
<cfset SDFColor = '<font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"
color="##333300">'><!--- *** Sub Detail Font Color - SDFColor *** --->
<cfset SDFColorTiny = '<font size="1" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"
color="##333300">'><!--- *** Sub Detail Font Color Tiny - SDFColorTiny *** --->
<cfset SADFColor = '<font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"
color="##800000">'><!--- *** Sub Alert Font Color - SAFColorTiny *** --->
<cfset SAFColorTiny = '<font size="1" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"
color="##800000">'><!--- *** Sub Alert Font Color Tiny - SAFColorTiny *** --->
<cfset indent = '&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;'><!--- *** Indent of 5 spaces  - indent
*** --->

<!-- *** Put your Table name and Datasource Name here *** -->

<!-- *** TABLE NAME *** -->
<cfset TTableName=''>

<!-- *** DATASOURCE NAME *** -->
<cfset DatasourceName = ''>

<!-- *** This finds the id for a specific table. *** -->
<cfquery name="GetID" datasource="#DatasourceName#">
  SELECT name, id
  FROM dbo.sysobjects
  WHERE name = '#TTableName#'
<!-- *** This selects the columns of that specified table *** -->
<cfquery name="getColumns" datasource="#DatasourceName#">
  FROM dbo.syscolumns
  WHERE id =

<!-- *** Make and fill a list *** -->
<cfset fields = ""><cfoutput query="getColumns"><cfset fields =
<TABLE bgcolor="white" border=1 cellpadding= cellspacing= >
      <td colspan=4><font size=2 face='arial'>
        <b>Source Code for the Select query to create an add update or view table for
        The query below is the select query that gathers the information from table:
        <br>Simply highlight the text of the query and paste it into a new document
and finish the cf statements with find
        and replace functions.<br><br>
      <td colspan=4><font size=2 face='courierNew'>
        cfinclude template='../../app_locals.cfm'><br>
        cfquery name='get#TTableName#Fields' datasource='#DatasourceName#'><br>
        &nbsp;&nbsp;Select  #fields#<br>
        &nbsp;&nbsp;FROM    #TTableName#<br>
        &nbsp;&nbsp;cfif attributes.view neq 'N'><br>
        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cfif isdefined('attributes.CID')><br>
        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Where ID = '##attributes.CID##'<br>
<cfset hCounter = 0><cfset bCounter = 0><cfset fLength = #ListLen(fields)#><cfset
fLoops = (#fLength#/3)+1>
<TABLE bgcolor="white" border=1 cellpadding= cellspacing= >
      <td colspan=4><font size=2 face='arial'>
        <b>Source Code table for table:</B><br><br>
        The actual form table below needs to be selected from the view source page.
<br>Once copied into your new document below the
        select query again the cf tags need to be finished.  <br>Theoretically all
you will then need to do is format your page and pass
        it an ID and the view attribute and you should be up and running. </font>
<!-- *** The form table begins here. Start copying source code. *** -->
<!-- *** The form table begins here. Start copying source code. *** -->
<!-- *** The form table begins here. Start copying source code. *** -->
<!-- *** The form table begins here. Start copying source code. *** -->

  cfinclude template="app_locals.cfm">
<TABLE bgcolor="##T1BGcolor##" border=1 cellpadding= cellspacing= width=#tWidth#>
    <td colspan=4>##MHFont1##
      Inputs for Table - -
  cfform name="WhateverForm" method="Post" Action="WhateverFormAction.cfm">
  <cfloop from=1 to=#floops# index='i' >
  <TR bgcolor='##STBGcolor##'>
    <cfloop from=1 to=#colNum# index='x'><cfset hCounter = #hCounter#+1><cfif
hCounter lt fLength+1>
      <cfquery name="getColumnsForName" datasource="#DatasourceName#">
        SELECT *
        FROM dbo.syscolumns
        WHERE id = and name='#ListGetAt(fields, hcounter)#'
      <cfoutput query="getColumnsForName">
    <TD >##MDFColor##
  <TR bgcolor='##T1BGcolor##'>
    <cfloop from=1 to=#colNum# index='x'><cfset bCounter = #bCounter#+1><cfif
bCounter lt fLength+1>
      <cfquery name="getColumnsForName" datasource="#DatasourceName#">
        SELECT *
        FROM dbo.syscolumns
        WHERE id = and name='#ListGetAt(fields, bcounter)#'
      <cfoutput query="getColumnsForName">
    <TD >##SDFColor##
      cfif attributes.view eq 'N'>
      <cfif length lt 20> cfinput required="NO" message="Do something for field
#name#" type="Text" name="#Name#" size="#length#" maxlength="#length#"
value=""><cfelse>  cfinput required="NO" message="Do something for field #name#"
type="Text" name="#Name#" size="20" maxlength="#length#" value=""></cfif>
      cfelseif attributes.view eq 'E'>
      <cfif length lt 20> cfinput required="NO" message="Do something for field
#name#" type="Text" name="#Name#" size="#length#" maxlength="#length#"
value="##get#TTableName#Fields.#Name###"><cfelse>  cfinput required="NO" message="Do
something for field #name#" type="Text" name="#Name#" size="20" maxlength="#length#"
      cfelseif attributes.view eq 'V'>
  cfif attributes.view neq 'V'>
  <TR bgcolor='##T1BGcolor##'>
    <td colspan=4>##SDFColor##
        <input required="" message="" type="Submit" name="Submit" Value="Submit">
        <input required="" message="" type="Reset" name="Reset" Value="Reset">


<!-- *** The form table ends here. Stop copying source code. *** -->
<!-- *** The form table ends here. Stop copying source code. *** -->
<!-- *** The form table ends here. Stop copying source code. *** -->
<!-- *** The form table ends here. Stop copying source code. *** -->


<TABLE name="whatever" bgcolor="white" border=1 cellpadding= cellspacing= >
      <td colspan=4><font size=2 face='arial'>
        <B>Update, Insert, and Delete action page code for table:</B><br><br>
        Copy this code from the web page as opposed to the Source code.  <br>This
again needs the cf codes finished
        through search and replace functions.  <br>Be sure to remove the quotes
around numeric variables.</font><br><br>
      <td colspan=4><font size=2 face='courierNew'>
        Action Page code<br><br><br>
        &nbsp;&nbsp;cfinclude template='../app_locals.cfm'><br>
        &nbsp;&nbsp;cfset update=0><br>
        &nbsp;&nbsp;cfset insert=0><br>
        &nbsp;&nbsp;cfif isdefined('attributes.ID')><br>
        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cfif isdefined('attributes.Action')><br>
        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cfif attributes.Action eq 'D'><br>
name='delete#TTableName#' datasource='#DatasourceName#'><br>
        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Where id =
name='update#TTableName#' datasource='#DatasourceName#'><br>
        <cfset lcnt=0><cfloop index='x' list=#fields#><cfif x neq 'ID'><cfset lcnt=
#lcnt#+1><cfif lcnt eq 1>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; cfif
isdefined('attributes.#x#') and attributes.#x# neq ''>#x#='##attributes.#x###'
/cfif><br><cfelse>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; cfif
isdefined('attributes.#x#') and attributes.#x# neq ''>,#x#='##attributes.#x###'
        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cfset update=1><br>
        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cfquery name='update#TTableName#'
        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;update #TTableName#<br>
        <cfset lcnt=0><cfloop index='x' list=#fields#><cfif x neq 'ID'><cfset lcnt=
#lcnt#+1><cfif lcnt eq 1>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; cfif
isdefined('attributes.#x#') and attributes.#x# neq ''>#x#='##attributes.#x###'
/cfif><br><cfelse>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; cfif
isdefined('attributes.#x#') and attributes.#x# neq ''>,#x#='##attributes.#x###'
        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cfset update=1><br>
        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cfif not isdefined('attributes.Action') or
(isdefined('attributes.Action') and attributes.Action neq 'D')><br>
        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cfquery name='Insert#TTableName#'
        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;INSERT into #TTableName#(<br>
        <cfset lcnt=0><cfloop index='x' list=#fields#><cfif x neq 'ID'><cfset lcnt=
#lcnt#+1><cfif lcnt eq 1>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; cfif
isdefined('attributes.#x#') and attributes.#x# neq ''>#x#
/cfif><br><cfelse>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; cfif
isdefined('attributes.#x#') and attributes.#x# neq ''>,#x#
        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;) <br>
        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Values  (
        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<cfset lcnt=0><cfloop index='x' list=#fields#><cfif x
neq 'ID'><cfset lcnt= #lcnt#+1><cfif lcnt eq 1>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; cfif
isdefined('attributes.#x#') and attributes.#x# neq ''>'##attributes.#x###'
/cfif><br><cfelse>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; cfif
isdefined('attributes.#x#') and attributes.#x# neq ''>,'##attributes.#x###'
        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cfset insert=1><br>
        &nbsp;&nbsp;cfif not isdefined('attributes.Action') or
(isdefined('attributes.Action') and attributes.Action neq 'D')><br>
        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cfquery name='GetID'
        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Select ID<br>
        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;From    #TTableName#<br>
        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Where 0 = 0<br>
        <cfset lcnt=0><cfloop index='x' list=#fields#><cfif x neq 'ID'><cfset lcnt=
#lcnt#+1>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; cfif
isdefined('attributes.#x#') and attributes.#x# neq ''>AND #x#='##attributes.#x###'
        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cfif 0 eq 0><br>
        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cfif GetID.recordcount gt 0 and
GetID.recordcount gt 0><br>
isdefined('cgi.Http_Referer') and insert eq 0 and update eq 1><br>
URL='##cgi.Http_Referer##' addtoken="No"><br>
URL='../display/DSP_whatever.cfm?view=E&CompID=##GetID.ID##' addtoken="No"><br>
URL='../display/DSP_whatever.cfm?view=N' addtoken="No"><br>



David DiPietro
Systems Developer / Engineer
OSU College of Medicine & Public Health
Voice (614) 292-5960
Fax (614) 292-0745

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