> But, I also have another question as well... if we (the 
> developers) do take that precaution to make sure that our
> stuff works and nothing is executed twice, should we be 
> following that standard? I'm seeing that in just about 
> every sample / tutorial all over the place and ... 

Well, it doesn't really matter. It won't hurt anything if you do, and it
won't hurt anything if you don't, if you're referring to how you write your
CFML code. If you're writing HTML (and this would of course include the HTML
that you're generating from CFML), then I'd recommend that you start writing
HTML that is XHTML-compliant wherever possible.

> I'm beginning to wonder if Apache / IIS / any other webserver 
> is just going to surprise everyone and switch over to that 
> format (altho, they can't because ... well, that's one way 
> to break all the old webpages, isn't it?).

It's not a matter of web servers switching, but rather web browsers. You can
serve any sort of content you like through a web server - it doesn't check
to ensure that you're serving a specific sort of content beyond determining
the type of the content and telling the browser that type.

However, in the future, I expect that browsers will require XHTML content,
since this will allow browsers to become smaller and much more efficient.
Current browsers allow you to feed them HTML, and that HTML doesn't even
have to be valid HTML in many cases. To do this, the browsers have all sorts
of error-handling code, which can make them quite large. When you're trying
to write a browser that'll run in, say, your wristwatch or cellphone or
toaster, you don't have room for all of that error code, and XHTML is very
attractive in that case - it's an XML language, so all you need for
validation is an XML parser, which can be quite small.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444
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