What are the advantages of storing articles and archived list messages in
individual text files?  Even without the CFINCLDE caching issues, that's a lot
of disk files.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Dinowitz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, July 07, 2002 1:30 AM
Subject: MX Caching

> Here's an interesting issue.
> Basically, when a CF page is run in MX, it creates a class file for that
page. This class file is stored in a single directory. If the page happens to
use CFINCLUDE, then that CFINCLUDE is also stored in the classes directory.
This goes on and on over ALL pages run through MX. The end result is a
directory full of class files that are basically a cache of all the CF
templates on your machine that have been run.
> Now this isn't so bad till you come to publishing sites (like Fusion
Authority). The standard technique is to store an article as a flat file and
put a pointer to it in a DB. When a page is run that references the article,
the flat file is included into the page. This can result in a LOT of class
files. An average issue of FA will have 20 includes, one for each story. The
same goes for the archives on CF-Talk and the other lists. Lots of includes.
And if your running a multi-homed site, all of the templates and includes for
ALL of the sites are in that one directory.
> Does anyone know a way of spreading this out some? Some JRun setting that'll
allow multiple classes directories or a classes directory that does some sort
of sub-directory creation? Maybe even a setting to allow each multi-homed site
to have its own classes directory?

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