Hi.  I am about to use a user-input string in the where clause of a SQL
query.  I know, yikes.  Unfortunately, there is a wide variety of valid
characters, from numbers to letters to punctuation.  So, I want to remove
(or at least escape out) any characters which are not allowed.  I have
already screened for blatant attacks, so that should be covered.  But at
this point, I want to make sure that (for example) someone's innocent entry
I am trying to access the database, but I can't get in there.
..doesn't terminate the where clause at the apostrophe in "can't".  My
first thought is to remove the problematic special characters.  So my first
question: are these the only special characters that I need to worry about:
in cases such as WHERE ColumnName = '#CFVariable#' or WHERE ColumnName =
 ' ;
in cases such as WHERE ColumnName LIKE '#CFVariable#' or WHERE ColumnName
LIKE #CFVariable#
 ' ; _ &
The second question: is there some smarter way to do this than simply
removing the characters?  In other words, is there some equivalent of
HTMLEditFormat for SQL?  CFQUERYPARAM keeps the wrong data from going in,
but is there some convenient way of coding and uncoding SQL special
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