All right.  I can see the difference from your example.  Now, just to be
like the proverbial toddler that doesn't know when to stop asking "why"...

Now explain <cfproperty>.  In the example below, for example, what would be
different if you made ID a property of the human object rather than a
non-var local variable?

In that case would ID be something that *is* viewable/changeable by the user
(which would be a bad idea for an ID, of course).  If I wanted info that the
user could see or change, why would I decide to do rather than
<cfproperty name="name">?

I'd love to promise that I'll stop after this one.


On 7/17/02 4:49 PM, "Raymond Camden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Wait... I just got confused.  Why is it more private if you
>> don't var the variable?  I get the "This" aspect just fine.
>> But if by not var-ing, you run the risk of variable
>> overwriting when calling cfcs from other cfcs, then why is it
>> "more local" or "private" not to var?
> Sorry, let me back up a bit.
> Imagine a CFC that looks like so:
> <cfcomponent displayName="human">
> <cfset = "Nameless">
> <cfset this.age = 0>
> <!--- various methods --->
> </cfcomponent>
> What I have here is the bare skeleton of a "human" CFC. I also define to
> variables, name and age, in the this scope. These values are public. If
> I make an instance of "human" called Ray, I can output
> So - it's not that much of a stretch to imagine needing data that is NOT
> public. For example, maybe ID:
> <cfset = "Nameless">
> <cfset this.age = 0>
> <cfset ID = createUUID()>
> The ID value will persist along with name and age, but will not be
> viewable/changeble by the user.
> So - how would you use this data in methods? You would treat it as any
> other global variable. That means if you have methods that also use the
> variable ID, but you mean it to be a temp var, you would need to var
> scope them.
> The basic idea is - if you use data that is NOT "This" scoped or "var"
> scoped, you can consider it as a private variable. As long as you are
> anal about var scoping everything else, these values will be safe.
> Make sense?
> Before certain people jump on me - I am NOT saying this is 100% like the
> private scope in Java. I'm just saying it acts like a set of data that
> is private to the CFC. Enjoy. Use it or not - it's up to you.
> =======================================================================
> Raymond Camden, ColdFusion Jedi Master for Macromedia
> Email    : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Yahoo IM : morpheus
> "My ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is." - Yoda
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