
fogive the vagueness of this reply but I can't remember the exact
search words in google to find *exactly* it.

I've read about this but haven't experianced this issue myself... I
think it comes down to what Paul was hinting at

"While this will create the necessary login IDs, what it will not do
is map the login IDs on the new server to the database user IDs from
the database that was just attached. This applies to login IDs using
SQL Server security, not NT Authentication security. Logins created
using NT Authentication are automatically mapped for you."

from http://www.sql-server-performance.com/sql_server_maintenance.asp
about 2/3 way down.

here's the section in full. can I suggest a bit more "google-ing"
along these lines?
hope this helps. gotta go.

If you need to move a database from one server to another, one of the
quickest ways is to detach the database using sp_detach_db, copy the
database file to the new server, and then attach the database using 
sp_attach_db. (You can also use the Copy Database Wizard in SQL Server
2000 to perform essentially the same task.)

Keep in mind that if you do this, that the login IDs that match the
database user IDs in the moved database must exist on the new server,
otherwise any current database user IDs in the moved database will not
work. (The Copy Database Wizard in SQL Server 2000 can copy login ids
for you.)

To create the SQL Server login IDs on the new server, (if you are not
using the Copy Database Wizard), you can create them manually, or you
can script the logins IDs on the old server and then run the script on
the new server.

While this will create the necessary login IDs, what it will not do is
map the login IDs on the new server to the database user IDs from the
database that was just attached. This applies to login IDs using SQL
Server security, not NT Authentication security. Logins created using
NT Authentication are automatically mapped for you.

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