If I'm reading you right, all your concerns are serverside..

Problem 1
Seems simple enough...
<cfquery name="images">
     SELECT *
     FROM re_Image
     WHERE propID = #whatever#  --Use cfqueryparam... too lazy to type

Once you have that,
if images.recordcount gt 0{
 //you have images, display them
 // No images. Sorry.

Problem 2
 Have a look at some of the other sites for inspiration. Used Car sites 
are also good. I like drive.com.au. and carsales.com.au

Seona Bellamy wrote:
> Hi guys,
> Putting together a real estate listing for our website, and thought 
> that this might be a good place to use a simple (relatively) Flash 
> Form. Good in theory, but causing problems in practise. The problem I 
> currently have is twofold:
> Trying to get all the necessary data is doing my head in! Whenever I 
> have to work with all but the simplest relationships between two 
> tables, I just tie myself in knots. I currently have the following 
> basic structure in my database:
> re_property (propID, agentID, propName, ...)
> re_agent (agentID, agentName, ...)
> re_image (imageID, propID, imageURL)
> Each property comes under one agent, and can have between 0 and 5 
> images associated with it. I've tried using the ideas in some of my 
> other queries (which some of the clever folk on this list helped me 
> with a while back) but they don't seem to allow for the possibility of 
> the zero-relationship. I have one test property record with no 
> assocaited images, and all my attempts at a query have either omited 
> it from the recordset or associated it with the three images from the 
> other test property.
> If anyone can set me on the right track with this, it would be greatly 
> appreciated. As far as I can tell, to use it in a binding between a 
> <cfgrid> and a details panel, I need all of the data to come out of 
> one query.
> Once I get these elusive images, I want to display them in the details 
> panel. I've searched around quite a bit, but I can't seem to find what 
> I'm looking for. Ideally, I would prefer not to just display them all 
> marching down the page, but in a nice little thumbnail arrangement 
> where there is one big image and then a list of other images that, 
> when clicked on, will replace the current main image.
> Did that sentence make any sense? Hope so. :) Anyway, if anyone 
> understands what I'm trying to do and has any suggestions about where 
> I could look for answers, that would be great.
> Oh, also feel free to let me know if what I want to do isn't possible 
> with Flash Forms and I should be looking at working on my JavaScript 
> skills or something instead.
> Cheers,
> Seona.

Haikal Saadh, Applications Programmer
Teaching and Learning Support Services
K405, Queensland University of Technology, Kelvin Grove Campus
[EMAIL PROTECTED], 3864 8633
CRICOS No. 00213J

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