
, field_2
, field_17
from new_query
field_1 not in (select field_1 from old_query)
AND (...the other 16 fields?....)

the uniqueness may not be confined to just one field/column. I think
it's a unique row that's different OR (more likely) duplicate rows of
the same data (but unique in a table)

Scott: the Excel idea is a worthy fall-back plan. wouldn't mind seeing
if there was a simpler SQL way first....

if it was SQLServer2005 I could use the new "Except" keyword....

On 4/20/06, Scott Thornton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> can you left outer joins in query-of-queries? I don't know if you can, but  
> if so, that would be a good palce to start.
> otherwise, order the fields the same, paste the results into excel, and run 
> your eye over it. :-0
> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 20/04/2006 11:37 am >>>
> hi all
> I have 2 multi-tabled queries that I need to compare.
> the origional is horribly written and returns 1242 results.
> the "new improved" query returns 1245 results.
> I want to see what the 3 "different" results are.
> any suggestions? SQLServer2000
> thanx
> barry.b
> >

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