Wow, what a full on thread.

Is it my turn yet. I've been programming for 6 years now. And I
wouldn't count myself as senior. Although I'm starting to get the grey
hair and my seeing is getting worse. [EMAIL PROTECTED] man that was a full on 
and I was sucked in like a bad hooker.

Bottom line guys. ColdFusion is a kick ass language I love touching it
everyday, but three things are slowing it down and I said this at the
last CFUG.

1. Marketing
2. Microsoft
3. Cost

1.)  Because the lack of Marketing(hopefully to change with Adobe) We
still get people going what is coldfusion wasn't that in the movie with
Val Kilmer.....

2.) Microsoft and the .NET empire. I currently work for a friggin huge
company which supply all sorts of IT professionals. THE MOST common
language requested is .NET All Univerisity grads comming out all have
.NET as there friggin major. Robin if no one is teaching it then no one
will be programming it. Pretty simple

3.) The cost. The cost factor is the main issue with our customers. We
deal with big corporates but yet they still bitch and moan about how
much CF licences cost. Setting up .NET is far cheaper. Doesn't mean its
better but its cheaper. *footnote: Companies that are running Windows
Servers not linux so don't even debate with me about that.

Perhaps we talk to the U.S. Government about recruiter CF cadets like
George does. I hear they are bringing back the draft.....I just shaved
my head so now I look like a drill sargent. "YOU will program in
ColdFusion, now drop and give me a CFDUMP!"

I hate to say it but my little team hear, may have to jump to .NET soon
but I don't want to make that decesion. But if the clients want it we
do it.


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