I was sitting inside a cave one night, when it occured to me that maybe there is more to HTML then meets the eye. I then proceeded to Yahoo! (all the kids were using it then) and see if i could unearth something more.. something.. DYNAMIC!.
It didn't take me long before I settled on two languages. ASP which is all the hype, the next VB for microsoft apparently. Coldfusion, was the other, little obscure but gaining momentum fast.
So I used it and from there I was able to bring live footage online, of how my other cave-folk were able to conjure live flickering spirit walkers before our eyes, thus bringing forth a great glow and warmth - which would later be called "fire" to the kids of today.
Good times.

On 7/3/06, M@ Bourke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Didn't ASP come out in December 1996??

On 7/2/06, Peter Tilbrook <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
I took it up as the webmaster for Dynamite Internet (then Canberra's largest ISP) when the ASP powered site broke for no reason.

That was when I heard about Cold Fusion 1.0.

Haven't looked back since!

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