Hi Robin,

Nice work that you did on the AFR project.

The last seesion that you had in Melbourne with Flash and Cairngorm was nice.

I think Flex basics is one thing but i'm not sure how many developers would be interested.

If you had more a hardcore session on AS3 and say Component Developement i would definetly be interested.


On 7/13/06, Robin Hilliard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 13/07/2006, at 1:46 PM, Dale Fraser wrote:
> 1. I assume that this will talk about Flex integrating to
> Coldfusion not
> just using FDS

This is the official Adobe Developing Rich Internet Applications with
Flex 2 curriculum.  The focus is mainly on Flex and AS3 itself -
there's only so much you can cover in 3 days.



Bjorn Schultheiss
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