Thanks for that, Dale. And it's really interesting that all this should come up today, as literally just this morning as I woke up, I had an idea come to mind of creating a "blog of the day" kind of review mechanism.  It could serve a similar purpose to your idea, Dale. Again, there are already the long lists of "who's in the 'goog or MXNA" available at each site, and the aggregators already pull their content together.
What I mean is instead a way to have someone...well, not "rate" them...but just review them to indicate which are of a sort that offer a lot of useful info and indicate that so people can (if they get the daily feed) be made aware of what blogs out there may interest them. It addresses the very problem you raise, Dale, where FAAG (or MXNA) might by their feeds alone deliver too much.  So if one (like you) wants to just get a few key feeds, which ones should they watch? And some bloggers may publish only once a month, or less, so their content is easily lost in the aggregators' feeds, especially if some newsworthy even suddenly has the blogosphere abuzz.
It just seems that such a "blog a day" mechanism could help alleviate that and give notice to some perhaps lesser known but useful blogs. I was torn whether to do such a thing in my blog, or as a blog of its own. Either way, it could be aggregated in Ray's new, which could become a good place to gather such stuff.
Speaking of how the aggregators tend to fill with one subject when some news breaks out, it's hard to avoid it. Some of us try specifically NOT to pass on such news, knowing others will do it. And let's not fault those who do. Keep in mind that some bloggers have an audience that they're serving, and they may presume that their readers don't also read the blogs of others. Indeed, in the scenario you describe of someone watching only a subset of blogs, if all of those there tended to avoid "commenting on the news", then the readers of that subset of blogs could well miss out.
It's an interesting conundrum, and one that I've wondered about in terms of how to make the whole blogosphere more useful. Along those lines, something else I've thought about is to enable some way for blog posts to be categorized more topically so as to be more effectively aggregated (rather than regarded as news that you'll see only if you're "watching" that day). It strikes me that some sort of global tagging mechanism might work, and I think such may exist, where the blog poster doesn't just "make up" categories or tags but instead chooses ones that are agreed upon and shared by a community they're within. Then all their posts are collected in those categories so that a visitor to an aggregator that watches them (perhaps your new one!) could then see topics not "by date" but rather by subject. And not focusing on "what's come up today", but what are the blog entries on a given topic, if I'm coming to look into tips on that topic.
In my mind, it could make the collected wisdom of the blogosphere (even the subset just of CFers) much more of a library, and less of a bulletin board.

From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dale Fraser
Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2006 5:58 PM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: misunderstanding? RE: [cfaussie] Fullasagoog a waste of time.



If it were up to me they would be hand picked and would need to meet one of the following two criteria.


  1. The had a Coldfusion specific category where the Coldfusion stuff was posted
  2. The entire blog had a Coldfusion focus, where 75% or more was Coldfusion.


The other option would be to force people who wanted to be listed to have a Coldfusion category, a lot do already. And since your using BlogCFC it would be a no brainer for you to do also. When you post to your other categories, just also select Coldfusion when it’s relevant.


Yours is one of the good ones I followed individually before moving to Goog and would be definitely on my list. Goog would fail as less than 50% of the topics in Coldfusion Category are Coldfusion.


I’ll post a list of all the CF specific ones I used to follow later, hopefully others can add comments. And as I said earlier I have no idea how to go about doing an aggregator, but I’m more than willing.

Dale Fraser


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