My understanding that the operator of Goog is an aussie on this list.

Thus why I'm posting here.

Dale Fraser

-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Andrew Muller
Sent: Tuesday, 12 September 2006 4:53 AM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Fullasagoog Still Very Sick


I understand the point that you're raising here, just as I did last time.

I'm not sure that this is the right forum for this discussion as I
don't think that any of the posters you've referred to are here in
Australia and can read this.

The problem here is that blogs are of a personal nature, and that as a
blogger there are times that you feel that you want to post things
that might be off topic - you want to share something with your peers
that you feel that they understand or be interested in.

I personally found two of those posts you've mentioned interesting as
I follow "Lost".

The only solution that I can see is that some kind of censorship
occurs where posts on Full As A Goog are deemed as suitable and kept
or unsuitable and removed.  I don't think that Geoff is going to be in
any hurry to do that as I don't believe that he has the time to
actually sit down and vet every post that goes through - often is the
case that too muc moderation on forums causes folk to stop posting at

Moderators have to have the time to approve or decline the posts that
they're moderating, this often causes delays before someone's good
work might been seen.  Folk get frustrated and give up posting if the
moderation process takes too much time.

I get a lot out of what I see on Full As A Goog, I ignore anything
there  that doesn't apply.  There's a lot less repetitve uninformed
crap than Digg which I've just given up on.

Just my 2 cents.


On 11/09/06, Dale Fraser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm going to keep pushing this barrow.
> Here's the 9 Coldfusion Blend Goog entries Google is currently showing me.
> Season 3 Lost footage leaked
> Hanso exposed
> Flash, Flex, and the Capital Area Flex Users Group
> icu4j 3.6 hits alpha
> Michael Schumacher bids adieu
> Windows System Restore Actually Works
> ColdFusion Position In SC
> Ted Patrickâ??s 10 Reasons Convinced Me to go to MAX
> Looking for Design Work on a Flex 2 Application
> Just out of interest, have a look through these blogs. Some of these
> have Coldfusion categories but we still get all the crap.
> And before the abuse starts, I'm pushing this barrow as I like Goog and
> it can be improved.
> Regards
>  Dale Fraser
>  >

Andrew Muller

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