Try something like this:

<cfcontent type="text/html" variable="#fileout.toByteArray()#">

Not sure if text/html is right, but you want binary data, not string data.


On 9/12/06, Andrew Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ok I thought I was onto a beginning here by getting coldfusion to compress
> the content, and then redisplay it. In its basic form this will only do text
> at this stage, but it is a start.
> Anyway I hit a snag, I can not for the life of me get the browser to deflate
> the string. Anyone see the problem at all, I have tried many combinations of
> the cfcontent and cfheader but not the right one by the looks of it.
>             <cffunction name="onRequestEnd" returntype="boolean"
> output="true">
>                         <cfargument name="thePage" type="string"
> required="true">
>                         <cfset var myString ="Andrew was here in 2006" />
>                         <cfset var fileOut = '' />
>                         <cfset var out = '' />
>                         <cfscript>
>                           pageOut =
> getPageContext().getCFOutput().getString();
>                         </cfscript>
>                         <cfscript>
>                                     fileOut =
> createobject("java", "").init();
>                                     out =
> createobject("java","").init(fileOut);
>                 out.write(variables.pageOut.getBytes(), 0,
> len(variables.pageOut.getBytes()));
>                                     // Complete the GZIP
> file
>                                     out.finish();
>                                     out.close();
>               </cfscript>
>                   <cfheader name="Content-Length"
> value="#fileOut.toString().length()#">
>                         <cfcontent type="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
> reset="yes">
>                   <cfheader name="Content-Encoding" value="gzip">
> <cfoutput>#fileOut.toString()#</cfoutput>
>                         <cfreturn true />
>             </cffunction>

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