is Brian taking Captivate 2 on the road?
Will we see him in Perth?

On 9/22/06, Chris Velevitch <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

A couple of years ago at MXDU, someone talked about using Breeze to
provide training for an web-based travel application in which
accommodation and travel providers would login in to update their
offering on the site. These people are geographically dispersed across
the state, providers come and go and the people tasked with updating
their offerings come and go.

Clearly an excellent sample of online training for high turnover of
users for a large high profile organisation with a substantial budget.
But what about smaller organisations that have modest but steady user

Clearly some similar, cost effective tool for developing Flash-based
training like Breeze would be the go. When Macromedia bought RoboDemo
and renamed Captivate, I could see that Captivate would fit the bill.

Now, I have the opportunity to see the new Captivate 2 in action at
the Sydney Flash Platform Developer Group meeting on Monday night
(25th Sept) at 6:30 for 7pm start. Brian Chau of Adobe will be showing
(live and in person) Captivate 2.

Drinks and nibble provided by Adobe via an open bar.

Venue is the NSW Sport Club (

Please rsvp (

This is a joint meeting the NSW CFUG and Sydney Flash Developers.

Chris Velevitch
Manager - Sydney Flash Platform Developers Group
m: 0415 469 095

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