This is a compile error, not a run-time error, so cfabort wont help you.

so in the verity tag you are using, do you have FORM=?
I am guessing for want to pass the FORM scope in as an agument - might be needing the #s

On 9/28/06, George Lu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I've got this error when I submit a form for verity search:
Attribute validation error for tag Search.
The tag does not have an attribute called form. The valid attribute(s) are collection, name, type, criteria, previousCriteria, maxrows, startrow, language, external, status, contextPassages, contextBytes, contextHighlightBegin, contextHighlightEnd, suggestions, category, categorytree.
ColdFusion cannot determine the line of the template that caused this error. This is often caused by an error in the exception handling subsystem.
It couldn't stop even I've put <cfabort> on the top. Please help.

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