Charlie, I think you miss interpreted what I was saying with point 1. I 
think using Breeze for remote or recorded presentations is great, and 
this has been done many times. Its the recording of a local presentation 
that I think would be the trouble, quite a task was referring to 
recording a local presentation. Another issue is that the locations we 
have used (Maybe its Brisbane?), don't seem to have fast and reliable 
internet access. So we have had a few cfug's where online presentations 
were tried, but have not been successful. In one case I have given a 
presentation with 2 minutes notice in other cases we have used recorded 
presentations (on CD) previously recorded using screen capture software.

With point 2. what I was saying, is how is one to remotely sit in on a 
CFUG presentation if the presentation is pre-recorded?

Lastly, I think Breeze is great, and I think we intend to continue using 
it as much as possible, just not sure about the remote attendee's part.


Charlie Arehart wrote:
> Well, there are multiple things being discussed there. 
> I'm not sure what will be "quite a task". If you mean the UGTV site, it's
> already up and running and has over 20 presentations already online. If you
> mean your last point, I'll get to that in a moment. 
> To your point 1, sure. A group can't well use Breeze for a remote visitor or
> remote attendees, nor can they record using it, if they don't have net
> access. That's a given. Still, my experience in speaking at hundreds of user
> groups meetings over the years suggests that it's as often available as not
> (and likely more available now than in the past). But, sure, not everyone
> will be able to leverage Breeze "live".
> As for your point 2, I'm not sure what you mean. Are you referring to the
> prospect of using Breeze presentations in a user group setting? Or watching
> them on your own? If your point is that a recorded presentation lacks some
> for the give and take that often takes place before/after a presentation,
> again, that may be so. Still, don't let "better" be the enemy of "good
> enough". :-) If you can see a recorded presentation on a topic that you
> might not otherwise get someone to present on, that's got to be better than
> nothing.
> As for organizing "a separate online event for those who are unable to
> attend cfug's", well, I wasn't making any call for that myself, but sure, if
> it works for you or others, it may be worth a try. My goal was simply to
> help those in a current group or in none at all.
> /charlie
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
> Of Gareth Edwards
> Sent: Monday, October 02, 2006 5:35 PM
> To:
> Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Remotely attending? Recording the talk? (was RE:
> [cfaussie] REMINDER: CFUG QLD 6:30 pm, Tuesday, October 3 2006)
> Hi Charlie,
> I think organising something like this may be quite a task. Couple of things
> that spring to mind.
> 1) Location of the event may not be able to provide internet access to
> private laptops used for presentations.
> 2) A lot of the time presentations used are pre-recorded, normally with some
> additional information at the end or during the presentation.
> Having said that, maybe I could organise a separate online event for those
> who are unable to attend cfug's. Only if I get enough interest.
> Cheers
> Gareth.
> >

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