I tried the same about a month ago and Flex Builder plugin definitely does not play well with Eclipse 3.2. It's unusable... You will run into a whole stack of Flex debugger issues including an insane number of pop ups warning about compile marker errors. The hooks into the flash debugger will die more often, eclipse with lock up etc etc. If you spend alot of time in Flex Builder it's not worth upgrading just yet.

On 06/10/06, M@ Bourke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
While on eclipse etc, I'll say this
there is no such thing as being elite solely because of the editor you use,
eclipse is great and so is dreamweaver, I run across some devs who think if you use eclipse that means your super uber duber great and if you use dw your backwards and have no idea how to code, and some who think using home site is super leet,
an IDE is simply that, its all about personal preference.
personally I and the other 30 cf devs at work use cfeclipse, I solely use it to keep consistency within the dept, but on my personal lappy I use DW in coder layout, as dw is way way faster, I find it funny when the (minority of eclipse users) say "eclipse is way faster then dw, thats why eclipse is great" as its so wrong from my experience, to many people from cfeclipse day one thought it was great cos it had the leet status where l337 users used it so it must be the best etc.

but there is nothing wrong with any editor, providing you think its best for you, if you use notepad so be it.
I find dw way way faster as its a basic c++ app that runs like it should, where as eclipse relies on the jvm and is a lot slower, in dw when I open a file it opens instantly when I type 200 words a minute the letters appear instantly where as in eclipse its like a whole separate debate is going on in the background.

I like dw for its speed and out of the box package, but I also like eclipse for its powerful plugins/extensions etc,
to be more on topic I've had no issues with eclipse .3 , the homesite/cfstudio/dw8+ style tabbed menu (that has been around in other editors for over 8 years) is great,
but still only trying to be half what dw is, eclipse has powerful extensions that's its only advantage over dw, the method viewer etc has been in dw as long as cfc's have existed.

so to sum up as I'm rambling and am about to hit the sack.
1. latest beta cfeclipse is good,
2. a IDE choice don't make you a better coder.
3. dw is faster then eclipse :P

who just got back from a meeting of "long messages anonymous"

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