Sorry I only have Microsoft Net Meeting installed hehe :)

On 11/30/06, Barry Beattie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> Big news on the Queenland CFUG front, Willipeedes...
> we have two events on the horizon for people to join in.
> (1)
> Next Tuesday at 7:00pm we'll be presenting the "Virtual CFUG" where
> the venue is actually a BreezeLive (Adobe Connect) meeting room.
> this is an important meeting (which is one of the reasons we're doing
> it virtually as a Breezo  to maximise the number of people attending).
> There are a few choices for a replacement venue (and a couple of other
> important questions) and members are strongly encouraged to "connect
> up" and put their "2cents in"
> This will be the last chance to do so before Feb 2007 (the xmas party
> - details below - don't count: that's more of a "knees-up" and good
> time than a proper CFUG meet). Besides, we've never done a completly
> online user group meet before so consider it a "special event"
> In addition, Mark Mandel (from Melbourne) will be delivering a breezo
> on his Transfer framework - guarenteed to make your ColdFusion coding
> easier.
> the meeting room will open at 7:00pm for a 7:15 start and, complete
> with prize draw, will be _guarenteed_ to be finished by 9:00pm
> (standard east-coast time as used in only Queenland).
> details on how to get into the CFUG breezo room will be sent to all
> people signed up to the list... SO
> JOIN THE MAILING LIST NOW!!! (you don't have to RSVP for this meet)
> And think of it this way: if your fridge is full then the catering will
> be exellent and it won't be so far to go home....
> --------------------
> When  : 7:00 pm, Tuesday, 5th of December 2006
> Where : online with a Breeze Live meeting room
>   details to follow for qldcfug list subscribers
> Topics: CFUG meet and Mark Mandel's Transfer Framewrork
> More details here:
> --------------------
>                       ...oooOOOooo...
> (2)
> the following week, on Wednesday 13th Dec is the CFUG Xmas party. Lots
> of food, drinks and merriment with some surprise presentations and
> prizes. This will be not be held at our usual location but a secret
> one not too far from there. Details will be arriving via the
> list - SO JOIN NOW and you won't miss
> out.
> --------------------
> When  : 6:30 pm, Wednesday, 13th of December 2006
> Where : secret location
>   details to follow for qldcfug list subscribers
> Topics: CFUG Xmas party!!!
> More details here:
> --------------------
>                       ...oooOOOooo...
> (and you'll also miss out on the xmas party)
> ==========================================
> How To join in:
> -------------------
> the Queensland ColdFusion User Group now has a new announcement
> mailing list. If you're at all interested in attending, or being aware
> of, the monthly meetings we hold, then head over to
> and joining the list (its
> another Google Group, so joining is easy, and you already know how to
> do it!). It a very low volume, one way list with typically just 2
> emails a month (eg: this email is typically one of them).
> cheers
> The QLD CFUG Crew
> ================================================
> vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
> >

Scott Barnes

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