This gets you all the tables

                        <cfquery name="qResult" datasource="#arguments.dsn#" >
                                        SELECT Name
                                        FROM MSysObjects
                                        WHERE Type = 1
                                        AND LEFT(Name, 4) <> 'MSys';

You can use the getmetadata() function in cf to get all the fields
(this works for any db)

        <cfquery name="qDBFields" datasource="#arguments.dsn#">
                                 SELECT *
                                 FROM #arguments.table#
                                 Where 1=2

                                <cfset stMetadata = getMetaData(qDBFields)>

You also need to setup permissions inside access to allow you to read
the table info.

1. open the database in Microsoft Access.
2. Go to Tools > Options > View tab > Check the box against "System
Objects" to make system objects visible.
3.Go to Tools > Security > User and Group Permissions. Select
"MSysObjects" in the Object Name box. Assign Read, Modify and
Administer permissions to the user account that is used as part of the
ColdFusion DSN setting (usually this is "Admin"). Save the changes.


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