That will get the generated response from cf, but the full detail of  
what is received by the browser could be altered by his environment  
or application - so the only way to see that is look at the full  
message and response.


On 22/01/2007, at 10:36 , Andrew Scott wrote:

> Adam,
> I am surprised these gurus, no offence guys.
> But I will ask is this on cfmx 7.0?
> If so try this:
> <cfscript>
>    ws = CreateObject("webservice","http://localhost/soapheaders/ 
> headerservice.cfc?WSDL");
>    req = getSOAPRequest(ws);
> </cfscript>
> <cfdump var="#req#">
> If you look at the other function available you also have header  
> and response as well.
> Andrew Scott
> Senior Coldfusion Developer
> Aegeon Pty. Ltd.
> Phone: +613  8676 4223
> Mobile: 0404 998 273
> >


        Life is poetry, write it in your own words


Toby Tremayne
Senior Technical Consultant
Lyricist Software
0416 048 090
ICQ: 13107913

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