Wow a busy day already!

I am trying to write a CFC to encapsulate the cfx_imagecr3 tag and for
some reason as soon as I put it in a <cffunction> it craps Jrun out -
nothing doign at all.

<cffunction name="getImageInfo">

        <cfargument name="path" default="">

        <cfset var ImageCR = "">


        <cfreturn arguments.path />


<cfset ThisPic="C:\development\localhost\webroot\images


<!--- <cfx_imagecr3 getimageinfo="#ThisPic#">  --->
<cfset ImageCR = getimageinfo("#ThisPic#")>

<cfdump var="#ImageCR#">


When the cfx_ tag is outside of a function it works like a charm. I am
using cf7 standalone with a developer licence. Have tried on our
licensed dev box too and the same thing happens.

Whats the go here?

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