Just an update... the new code below does the same thing.

<cfset a = 0>
<cfset b = 0>
<cfset c = 0>

<cfloop from="1" to="1000" index="i">
    <cfset a = RandRange(100,10000)>
    <cfset b = a*2>
    <cfset c = val("#ListFirst(Trim(a),".")#.00")>
    <cfset c = c + 0.1>
    <cfset d = a - b + c>
    <cfoutput>#a#-#b#+#c# = #d#<br /></cfoutput>

Barry Beattie wrote:
not having a working CF server handy at the moment to test, I'm just curious

you're not getting grief with treating strings as numbers, are you?

perhaps a val( "#ListFirst(Trim(a),".")#.00" ) is needed?

just a quick thought

On 2/20/07, Gareth Edwards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
If you are running coldfusion 7.02, or maybe 7.01 or 7.0? (don't know)

Run this script below, and tell me if you get the same results for each
line. The way I see it, d should equal 0.1 on every row. But this isn't
the case. Is this a bug introduced by Coldfusion 7.02?

<cfset a = 0>
<cfset b = 0>
<cfset c = 0>

<cfloop from="1" to="1000" index="i">
    <cfset a = RandRange(10000,20000)>
    <cfset b = a*2>
    <cfset c = "#ListFirst(Trim(a),".")#.00">
    <cfset c = c + 0.1>
    <cfset d = a - val(b) + val(c)>
    <cfoutput>#d#<br /></cfoutput>




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