And after you score a free ticket by stacking the competitions...

(and having been a self-funded attendee before**)

there are tricks to keeping costs down to make the whole process affordable

- transport
_NOW_ is the time to look for the cheap flights, which is really the
only way to do it from interstate. If you're traveling a distance,
greyhound busses aren't *that* cheap in comparison (and the 16hrs
Bris-Syd ain't fun, for example).
don't forget - the airport to city is a bit of a hike. $16 for a train
ticket (each way) might not look cheap but if you're not coming with a
taxi full of people it might be the best option (and even then it
still may be cheaper). There's probably airport-city coaches that'll
save a couple of dollars but you need to end up close to the City Town
Hall/Queen Vic building.
Tip: travel fast and light. If you're staying outside the CBD (accom)
find out about busses/trains.

- accom
Anywhere in the CBD can be expensive. Have you considered asking to
stay on the loungeroom floor of a sydney-sider - a relative or someone
also going (ie: billeted)? failing that, there's bound to be flea-pits
and "den-of-antiquities" at a good price. Since you'll be all day at
sessions and all night scrounging drinks at the bar, all you need is a
place to put your head and a shower. Backpackers, anyone?

- food.
keep in mind, you've got a fridge full of food at home - don't stay
longer than you need to. Also, the conference provides morning/a'noon
teas and lunches and was so much I ran out of holes in me belt... (so
no need to bring a plastic container for a spare muffin or two for
later on - I have NOT done this ... at WebDU)

Lastly, if you can convince the tax office this is somehow related
with your income, the thing is tax deductable inc food and accom. Talk
to an accountant to get the details (ie: don't bleme me if you go to

and if you're in WA, NT, TAS, FNQ  or oversees wanting to go, I'd
start hitching/paddling now...

any other tips I've forgotten?

see you there

** because of a scungy penny-pinching scrooge of a boss...

On 2/23/07, Geoff Bowers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Folks,
> As part of various promotional efforts we're giving away a bunch of
> webDU tickets.  If you are hanging out to go but can't afford a ticket
> for whatever reason.. you might throw your hat in the ring for one of
> these freebies.
> webJam (1)
> Lucky door prize is a webDU ticket -- just turn up, you never know
> your luck in a big city.
> Developer Magazine (5)
> Hmm... almost impossible to find this competition on their site, so
> looks like your chances just went up 1,000 fold.
> Builder AU (5)
> Another competition -- but Builder have their act together and a lot
> of people will likely see this competition.  Still nothing ventured
> nothing gained.
> Good luck!
> -- geoff
> >

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