I agree and disagree :)

- I agree the CF community should be grown further and you may ask
"hang on doesn't that throw into the face of ASP.NET" to which I say
yes, but at the same time it has potential to grow the Windows 2003
Server + MSSQL + IIS market some more.

- I disagree there should be a blanket zero tolerance on .NET overall,
as to be openly honest I've had to deal with a lot of .NET integration
with Coldfusion in the past (mainly through COM Objects / CFX Tags or
SOAP) - painful. Now that Coldfusion 8 is pushing the integration,
maybe we can lift the lid on a few things that compliment the
developer out there instead of annoy. There was a reason for Adobe to
put .NET into CFCOMPONENT tag.

- When I posted my previous thread about Microsoft Love, I got an
alarming number of offline users emailing me that they were curious to
expand further into ASP.NET for a number of reasons. Firstly,
understanding the beast, Secondly to up skill their resume some more
and Thirdly, they've reached a peek with Coldfusion and are looking to
jump ship.

Now like it or lump it that's the truth of the matter and while at
heart Coldfusion is a great language (I'm still fighting my own
internal battles with ASP.NET as frankly, I still refer to Coldfusion
as being easier to mould into place) the job market is overwhelming
for the ASP.NET guy out there. People have bills to pay so if some CF
developers want to expand further, I'll help them - something I've
done in the past pre-Microsoft as who am I to judge what is right and

- You're underestimating the collective intelligence of everyone here,
as Microsoft means many things to many people, not just ASP.NET. The
link I posted was more focused on interop then migration, but having
said that there is migration path should someone *CHOOSE* to want it.
CFAUSSIE isn't an Adobe run mailing list its been around many years
and we've had all walks of life and flavoured posts to it some have
been relevant other times its been utter crap. What your doing now is
blatantly obvious in that "its either 100% adobe or go away" which
you'll find people generally aren't subscribing to (unless you have
strong affiliation with Adobe, such as CFUG, or consultancy etc).

- ASP.NET lists, you know I actually don't belong to any as yet. I've
been meaning to so I really can't speak on their behalf. Suffice to
say, have you tried this approach yet? or are you more inclined to sit
back and assume it will be the way things will pan out. You won't know
until you try so, you're a CFUG guy, give it a whirl and let us all
know on how it goes.

I've stated all along and I'll state it again, if you have a
presentation that compliments Microsoft products (keep in mind our
entire product range is quite extensive) then let me know and i"ll
nominate you for a session at this years TechEd 07 (MSFT's version of
WebDU I guess).

In closing, Microsoft has a lot of products on offer and I represent a
lot of them so its too dangerous of me to focus on being a pure
ASP.NET marketer as thats not relevant to even the ASP.NET developers
themselves. The best I can do is offer up potential solution pieces
and its your call on how you can string them together.

You need to move past this Microsoft is up to no good angle, as its
getting silly.

On 2/25/07, Darren Tracey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At the risk of igniting this any further, my original objection was
> more to do with the fact that the page that Scott originally linked to
> has 5 links at the top of the list that are CF related (which is
> good), but they are all "Live Webcasts", available at specific times
> only, each one occuring once over the next 2 weeks.
> All the other links on the page are Not CF specific, or even relevant,
> but are just plain "convert to .Net" material, and are either "On
> Demand Webcasts" or "Virtual Labs", and are convieniently available
> any time you want, as often as you want, and not just at 5am on
> Tuesday morning.
> I'll be checking back to the site after the first couple are done to
> see if the recordings of the CF sessions are offered "On Demand" after
> the sessions.
> We need to be encouraging more people out there to start taking up CF
> as a language, not pointing out to the developers we currently have
> that their nearest exit may be behind them.
> There is a shortage of developers out there at the moment, and there
> are businesses clammouring to get them.
> If you have a desperate desire to learn .Net, there are places that
> you'll be able to find on the net that will show you how to do that,
> and the Australian ColdFusion mailing list shouldn't be one of them.
> Converting developers to be .Net developers is Microsoft's job, not
> the ColdFusion community's.
> Postings that promote people to go to .Net shouldn't be accepted here,
> as you can bet that CF promotion isn't tolerated on any .Net lists.
> Even posts that wrap the convert message up in an ever so polite "just
> helping you out" veneer.
> Darren
> Who'd like to get his own popcorn and jaffas when he gets a chance.
> On Feb 23, 6:06 pm, "Scott Barnes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Well said Charlie :)
> >
> > Just going out on a limb here, but ol Adobe must of had a reason to
> > make Coldfusion 8 interop with .NET.
> >
> >

Scott Barnes

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