

If you are using CFEclipse can I suggest you look at a tool called SQL
Explorer, that will allow you to create your query and copy and paste that
into your code, also very good because it is a JDBC aware so it will connect
to any know DB using JDBC drivers.



Andrew Scott
Senior Coldfusion Developer
Aegeon Pty. Ltd.
Phone: +613  8676 4223
Mobile: 0404 998 273



From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Tom MacKean
Sent: Tuesday, 6 March 2007 2:23 PM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Why select * is bad (was RE: [cfaussie] Re: @#$!!


Thanks Charlie,


I'm alternating between Dreamweaver and Eclipse at the moment, depending on
the project. Since my original post, I found a button in MySQL Manager
( ) that copies all field names to clipboard.
Reasonably easy.  




Tom "12-step" MacKean

On 3/6/07, Charlie Arehart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

Tom, what editor do you use? Nearly all of them (CF Studio, HomeSite+,
Dreamweaver, and CFEclipse) offer the RDS feature, which would allow you to
view all the tables and their columns for all datasources defined in your CF
admin.  These offer either a list of column names you can drag and drop
(tedious for many) or a visual query builder where you can check the columns
desired and then copy/paste from the SQL they build. If you've never used
them, you're not alone. Many go years never seeing them. Let us know which
you use if you need more help. 


To those who would jump in saying that you can't use RDS if it's not
enabled, such as is likely on a production server, I'll reply that one
shouldn't be doing development work against a production server. :-) Do your
development locally, or at least just setup the free CF Dev edition locally
and define your datasources there, and point to them in your editor to help
build SQL. 


Or skip RDS and just use whatever SQL building tool that might come with the
DBMS you're using. Many of them have visual query building tools as well,
where again you can build a SQL statement and then copy/paste it into your


Hope that's helpful, Tom.


PS Did you know that there's a Tom McKeon in the CF world? He's in upstate
New York here in the States. Small world. (For those missing the point, this
note was from Tom "MacKean".) 


PPS With all these folks saying, "I'm a SELECT * user", it's starting to
sound like a rehab meeting. "Hi, I'm Tom, and I'm a Select * user." :-) 






From: [mailto: <>
[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tom MacKean
Sent: Monday, March 05, 2007 7:48 PM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Why select * is bad (was RE: [cfaussie] Re: @#$!!


I am a SELECT * user. 


(In my defence, I'm self-taught and didn't know any better until now)


My question... is there a trick or tip or tool that you guys use to save
typing in the name of every field that you're after? If you're populating a
big long form, it's a real pain to type every field name into your SELECT
statement (when you could just use a *). Is there a quick way, or do you
guys just bite the bullet and start typing? 





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