WOW! this looks like a big meeting for this months Queensland CFUG
and is bound to be a "not to be missed" event.

Why? Because we're all gearing up for the next version of ColdFusion:
CF8, which is currently known (or so we're told) as "Scorpio".

"but it's in beta!" you say "and none can say what's in it for fear of
Saurons spies finding  out"

there's lots to find out, believe it or not, if you know where to
look. We have our
super-sleuth detectives hard at work, reading between the lines in
press releases, unraveling the red herrings, leaving no unturned
stone... er, unturned (wha-tever!)

to prove the point, we've even tracked down a date it'll be released
(and there's other reasons of the suggested date that didn't make it
to the comments - come along and find out why)

So join us this Wednesday's CFUG and discover the secrets to Dan
Brown's unwritten mystery thriller... "The Scorpio Code"
[any references to actual deities or prophets, living or dead, is
purely coincidental...]

Also this month, we'll be giving the subject of Flex and Coldfusion
Data-typing a darn good shake with full demonstrations and seeing
what's happening behind the scenes. What works? what's doesn't? and is
wishful thinking? guaranteed to save you time putting a Flex front end
to your ColdFusion server code.

And, as this will be the CFUG's pre-WebDU meeting for this year, we'll
be looking at what's on offer at WebDU, how to try and survive wanting
to be in three WebDU sessions at the same time - and how to still get
something out of it if the boss still refuses to let you go.

so, if you're not already a member, sign up to the QLD CFUG usergroup

and that will give us your RSVP so you can go into the prize draw (and
ensure we do a good job on catering)  - we hope to see you there

The QLD CFUG crew.

Meeting Details: 6:30 pm - ?, Wednesday, 14th March 2007
If doors are locked, call 0414 328 902 for entry

QANTM Auditorium
Level 9, 138 Albert St
Brisbane City
(Opposite the "Coffee Club")

Find it on WHEREIS:;7243212240990709884

Find it on Google Maps:,+City+QLD+4000,+Australia&ie=UTF8&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=28.168051,68.90625&z=17&om=1&iwloc=addr

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