Sorry button got clicked!! Stoopid computer...let me try that script

private function CostCal():void{
   var a:int = Number(form1.text.replace(/,/g,''));
   var b:int = Number(form2.text.replace(/,/g,''));
   var c:int = Number(form3.text.replace(/,/g,''));

  var i:int = Number(a*(b+c));
  var h:int = Number(365);
  var g:int = Number(i/h);
 form4.text = NumberFormatter.format(g);

So what this is basically doing is adding the fields then displaying
in another field. I have used int/number just to make sure its a
numeric value. It doesn't make a difference if I change that. Also I
got it so it adds but when I try to divide or anything else it freaks!
i.e. no calculation.

IS there anywhere that someone can point me to doing calculations in
actionscript...cause what I have found on the internet is limited. I
might have to bail on flex and go back to javascript and HTML...

Any advise would be good.


On Mar 13, 9:42 am, "<cfgroupie>" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I don't have access from work to Yahoo Groups but I do have access to
> cfaussie. go figure.
> Never the less I'm struggling with Flex and all its pain. So if anyone
> out there knows flex and this question I would be much appreciated.
> I'm trying to do a simple calculation. So when you put a value in one
> field it will calculate in another...and so on. Below is the
> actionscript.
> private function CostCalc():void{
> }- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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