
If you use the following, which is an extract from a component I wrote
to convert Active Directory account expiry filetime to utc time, you
get quite different results.

AD stores dates as nanoseconds since 1/1/1601, but I'd say that these
dates are probably seconds since 1/1/1970 or seconds from 30/12/1899,
so I've cut out the part that deals with nanoseconds! .

cfscript code snippet:

    interimDate1 = DateAdd("s", 716640, "30/12/1899 00:00:00");
    interimDate2 = DateAdd("s", 712672, "30/12/1899 00:00:00");
    interimDate3 = DateAdd("s", 716640, "01/01/1970 00:00:00");
    interimDate4 = DateAdd("s", 712672, "01/01/1970 00:00:00");

    // Convert UTC to local.
    convertedDate1 = createodbcdatetime(DateConvert("utc2local",
    convertedDate2 = createodbcdatetime(DateConvert("utc2local",
    convertedDate3 = createodbcdatetime(DateConvert("utc2local",
    convertedDate4 = createodbcdatetime(DateConvert("utc2local",

If you output these dates you get you get the same actual days, but
different times.

{ts '1900-01-07 17:04:00'}
{ts '1900-01-07 15:57:52'}
{ts '1970-01-09 17:04:00'}
{ts '1970-01-09 15:57:52'}

Which date range do you think tour dobs are from? You should be able
to work out which one of these to use.

Doesn't quite make sense to me that both Excel and CF are showing the
date years 3862 and 3851. They have to be working in seconds maybe,
not days since a certain date.

Hope this helps.


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