Hi Andrew,

Thanks for the update on the book. I'll add that to my list of must
reads. I mean since you taught me CF its only fair I buy one of your
books! hahahahaha. And make sure all that money is pouring in for you!
And Scott. Not only will I raid your bookshelf but I will raid your
fridge too as I know your wife makes yummy food.

As for the OT thingo. The reason I personally wrote it here is because
I'm a ColdFusion programmer. So developing FLEX coming from a CF
background I thought it
would be more appropriate.

Barry, you articulate much better then I. Are you a teacher or
something :-P!! I Also ran into those issues.


On Apr 29, 3:34 am, "Scott Barnes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hmmm..
> Last couple of days has been somewhat heated discussions on the list,
> my bad on a few parts but taking a step back, thinking about what you
> guys/gals need and want from all of this, i can't but help understand
> where some of you want to head in terms of direction around this?
> On one part, all have indicated "OT" is not good. I agree, I reviewed
> some of my posts and I think at some stage, this list went back to
> it's old habits for me where it wasn't so much about CFAUSSIE but
> socialising with CFAUSSIE. Yet, in the past 6months it's picked up to
> being on topic. That being said, what's going on in this thread is
> more FLEX related then CF?
> So - What is the aim of this thread?  What is it you all want from
> this going forward. Jeremy's indicated he has pain points, Barry's
> supporting this while others are stating that it was more Jeremy's
> fault for not scoping or setting expectations correctly (which I do
> disagree with). Yet, on the flipside it's not Coldfusion related?
> I simply wonder what this list is about as it would be helpful to
> adjust my posture for one and others I'm guessing, so that when we do
> contribute to this list, it's considered on topic and relevant.
> Is this an Adobe only centric list? (ie FLEX, Apollo, Coldfusion,
> LiveCycle etc) or is it Coldfusion centric with all pieces relating to
> Coldfusion? what are those pieces?
> Lastly, whom are these complaints about FLEX that Jeremy and Barry
> have indicated are directed at/to? and what resolution is expected or
> if any?
> Scott.
> On 4/29/07, Barry Beattie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I would have to concur with Jeremy on this.
> > I've just wasted most of my saturday trying to do something that
> > should be relatively straight forward in Flex. So far I've got nowhere
> > thanks to
> >  - broken examples on the flex livedocs (and the SDK documentation)
> >  - lots of people on flexcoders asking questions on similar or related
> > topics and getting no suitable answers
> >  - a real lack of worthwhile examples (self contained and working, not
> > just a small code snip out of context)
> >  - not enough sample apps with code (Adobe supplied, RIAforge or otherwise)
> >  - books written using beta versions and therefore changes since then
> > it's a painful uphill battle and not a good situation, methinks.
> > my 2c
> > b
> --
> Regards,
> Scott Barneshttp://www.mossyblog.com

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