
I blogged the fact that the standard version needs to be free a long time

But let me tell you this now, cftags are here to stay and Adobe will not
budge on that. Which is a shame, because I would seriously like to see that
we move away from being a dynamic language and be more TypeCast and provide
better variable scoping etc.
One of the things that pisses me off, is cffunction and the <cfset var
variable = whatever /> has to be at the top of the function. Like all other
languages, this should not be forced in this manner. but hey there must be a
reason for it.

CF8, sure it provides more features big deal. it is still not true OO and
that is a big shame.

On 5/25/07, Dale Fraser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I don't subscribe to the theory of dead.
> But it is a difficult market for Coldfusion to compete in.
> I actually blogged about what CF needs to do to survive.
> http://dalefraser.blogspot.com/2007/05/what-coldfusion-needs-to-survive.html
> Obviously, ColdFusion has an established market and will NOT die, but
> really it needs to do more than just not die, it needs to try to gain
> momentum.
> Regards
> Dale Fraser
> http://dalefraser.blogspot.com

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