Hi Scott,

Here are a couple of possible workarounds if you don't find what your'e

WHERE year(sb_accom_start_date) = #datePart("yyyy",myDate)#
AND month(sb_accom_start_date) = #datePart("m",myDate)#
AND day(sb_accom_start_date) = #datePart("d",myDate)#

WHERE sb_accom_start_date 
        BETWEEN #CreateODBCDate('01/jan/2007 00:00:00')#
        AND #CreateODBCDate('02/jan/2007 00:00:00')#

PS: (mssql)

Scott Thornton wrote:
> Hi,
> I had a bit of an unexpected problem whilst using the above today.
> Problem is my time looks like '01/jan/2007 23:02' but I want to only
use the date portion.
> So in a query I use:
> <cfquery datasource="#dsn#">
>       select
>               *
>       from
>               sb_hospital
>       where
>               sb_accom_start_date > #CreateODBCDate('01/jan/2007
> </cfquery>
> which when runs, the date looks like '01/jan/2007' to the query.
> However
> <cfquery datasource="#dsn#">
>       select
>               *
>       from
>               sb_hospital
>       where
>               sb_accom_start_date > <cfqueryparam
cfsqltype="cf_sql_timestamp" value="#CreateODBCDate('01/jan/2007
> </cfquery>
> passes the full date with the time on it.
> Seems a bit strange to me. Not what I was expecting at all.
> CF MX 6.1.
> >

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