Thats what I was saying Barry, the starts of the show are those who could attend including the Presenters, but not because they were presenting, but because they were there.


Barry Beattie wrote:
I liked that session on Coldspring / Model-Glue, didn't you?

yeah I did, actually. Geez that's silly of me to forget
that.Especially since it could come in really handy for a project in
the new year.

 So who are the stars of the show really?

"Stars"?... mate, you want an honest answer?

the people who made the effort to go IMHO - talked their boss into it
(or dragged him along), put their (self-employed) productivity on hold
as they caught up with cool stuff...

'cos as you said, Gareth, without those people it would have been a
non-event. Literally.

eh. my 2c.

On Nov 22, 2007 9:09 AM, Gareth Edwards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I liked that session on Coldspring / Model-Glue, didn't you?

Overall, I think it was a great day, great people including those who
didn't present. Attendance is the key, so if your not there, the event
won't be on. So who are the stars of the show really?


Barry Beattie wrote:

for me: Geoff Bowers with Farcry for work reasons

Robin Hilliard making CFInterface easier to understand (and why it's
good to use)

Adam Leyham - with how (and why) the future looks bright with CF (and
they're now taking feature requests for CF9)

Nick Watson  spun me with how to make a Flex app with ColdFusion code,
as well as some cool insight into LCDS (very interesting tips!)

Andrew Spaulding helped making Flex easier to understand (and it looks
like I'm gonna be needing the Exchange stuff he showed us)

thanx guys for putting it on, esp Mark Blair

Who else in Bris liked the show?




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