Hi Matthew,

I'm guessing a bit about how your app works, but I'd think,  the code 
snippet listed earlier should work fine if you use URL rewrites-

<cfif productidentifier eq "abc">
<cfheader statuscode="301" statustext="Moved permanently">
<cfheader name="Location" value="http://www.new-url.com/blah/products/def

 From the perspective of the search engine - their crawler sends a get 
to www.domain.com/blah/products/abc - and assumes that it's gotten to a 
default document. It then gets back a response that contains moved 
permanently headers, so it will update it's record set and everything 
will be as happy as it's going to get.

Matthew wrote:
> Hi Sean,
> Thanks for the interesting history!
> In regards to using ISAPI ReWrite; I thought of using this (in fact I
> will be on a new project) however I don't think that it would still
> solve my problem, because to create a 301 in IIS it is my
> understanding that you open up IIS, right click on the file you wish
> to 301 and change the properties etc. However with your example there
> is no abc.htm, therefore you couldn't right click on this file, right?
> You'd have to right click on index.cfm but you'd end up with the same
> problem. Perhaps I'm missing something? My thinking is that ISAPI
> ReWrite sits in front of IIS (I know it's part of it but just for
> painting a picture bare with me), so esentially IIS never sees /
> product/abc.htm because it sees index.cfm?product=abc
> Am I right?
> I'll go and read Sarah's article now.
> Cheers
> Matthew
> On Dec 19, 2:07 pm, Sean Bucklar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Matthew - The relevant RFC (1738) was written in '94 and includes a
>> whole bunch of specifications for gopher. Nobody was really doing what
>> your doing on the web in 94.
>> RFC 2616 defines 301's and was written in 99 - and even then, the sort
>> of complex data display that you're dealing with was pretty uncommon.
>> The specs were written with the expectation that you would have
>> /product/abc.htm, /product/def.htm. Ideally, use URL rewrites to present
>> search engines with what the RFC's tell them to expect, but keep your
>> application developer friendly in the background. If you can't do that
>> you have to weight up developer time vs search engine impact.
>> Matthew wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> Thanks for the feedback.
>>> BRETT/ANDREW: you're right, my problem is that SE's are trying to
>>> spider to this page (and cloging up my inbox with errors) hence why I
>>> want to 301 so that the SE's learn about the new page.
>>> SEAN: what you've said makes sense but out of interest how else would
>>> you build a website without re-using a page? That's the point of URL
>>> parameters isn't it?
>>> Cheers again everyone.
>>> On Dec 19, 12:30 pm, "Brett Payne-Rhodes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> I'd be wondering whether this is really a 301 problem though. Isn't it 
>>>> just that the product no longer exists? index.cfm still exists. Is there 
>>>> some danger that search engines will start to drop indexes for your 
>>>> index.cfm urls?
>>>> Like I said... just wondering out loud really...
>>>> B)
>>>> Matthew wrote:
>>>>> Hi guys,
>>>>> I've renamed several pages on a website and I'd like to setup 301
>>>>> redirects, however I can't find out a way to do this based on the
>>>>> query string. Here's an example to explain:
>>>>> OLD URL: index.cfm?product=abc
>>>>> NEW URL: index.cfm?product=def
>>>>> Everything I've ready on IIS 301 redirects seems to imply that you can
>>>>> only have a 301 per file and not take into account a query string
>>>>> attribute. Therefore in the example above all calls to index.cfm would
>>>>> be redirected!
>>>>> So am I right in say that I'll have to do the 301 in my CF code i.e.
>>>>> withing index.cfm have the following:
>>>>> <cfif url.product eq "abc">
>>>>> <cfheader statuscode="301" statustext="Moved permanently">
>>>>> <cfheader name="Location" value="http://www.new-url.com/index.cfm?
>>>>> product=def">
>>>>> </cfif>
>>>>> Cheers
>>>>> Matthew
>>>> --
>>>> Brett Payne-Rhodes
>>>> Eaglehawk Computing
>>>> t: +61 (0)8 9371-0471
>>>> m: +61 (0)414 371 047
>>>> w:www.yoursite.net.au
> >

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