Hi all,

Little issue I have with locking some application variables when the cf
server first starts.
I'm using double checked locking but if I restart the app and 2 users hit it
straight away (second user hits within half a second of first user) the
second user still fires off the lock

<cfif not structkeyexists(application,"loaded") or structkeyexists(url,
<cflock type="exclusive" timeout="10" scope="application">
<cfif not structkeyexists(application,"loaded") or structkeyexists(url,
<cfdump var="HEYA!">

Heya! gets printed on both users screens.
personally I don't think this is a real issue for me as the application vars
shouldn't be changing and the odds of multiple users hitting the server in
the first half second of it loading aren't that big of an issue.
how ever when our testing department is testing the new locking they fire
off about 20 users at the moment CF server restarts.

the server is cf 6.1, is there anything I can add to my code to fix this or
is it just the way the cf server will always behave if it hasn't finished
running the first request its receives once being turned on.


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