well, Geoff Bowers is doing smart evangelising (IMHO) with FarCry.

the leverage there is to get people interested in the FarCry
application framework - and the CMS as a killer app to get the
framework in the door.

just because it uses CF is not really the focus - building powerful
applications is.

this is pretty much the same model that saw a large spreading of PHP -
it wan't the "personal home page" concept - it was the "runtime" that
made PHPNuke or Wordpress run on people's machines.

thing edge of the wedge stuff

I'm seeing exactly the same thing with Sharepoint and MOSS (Microsoft
Office SharePoint Server) - sure they're products, but if you want to
add/modify it, you'll be doing so in .NET.

we need more killer apps.

On Wed, Apr 9, 2008 at 11:39 PM, Gary Barber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Okay I'm not privy to where Geoff and Mark are doing these
>  presentations.  Is it to Coldfusion people.  If so it's a waste of time.
>  I've not hear of them and I do keep my ear to the ground so to speak in
>  relation to Coldfusion news outside of the Cf community.
>  Besides on or two vocal advocates I have heard nothing!
>  Do nothing and it won't effect me. But it will effect you guys.  Sorry
>  to be all serious here.
>  --
>  Gary Barber
>  Freelance User Interaction Designer/ Information Architect
>  Web: radharc.com.au
>  blog: manwithnoblog.com
> CyberAngel wrote:
>  > Hmmmm...
>  >
>  > I think that Geoff, Mark and a few others are always doing presentations on
>  > Coldfusion related products.
>  >
>  > As for recommending I would think it will depend on the situation and the
>  > project.
>  >
>  > As for Killer sites, yeah well I agree...
>  >
>  > But I will say what Scott Barnes said, even though it is easier said than
>  > done. But he is right.
>  >
>  > Regards
>  > Andrew Scott
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > -----Original Message-----
>  > From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
>  > Of Gary Barber
>  > Sent: Wednesday, 9 April 2008 7:25 PM
>  > To: cfaussie@googlegroups.com
>  > Subject: [cfaussie] Re: recruters say "CF on the way out"? ... FFS! not FUD
>  > from them too?
>  >
>  >
>  > <summary of blog post>
>  >
>  > Would I recommend Coldfusion to someone new in the industry, well
>  > frankly no. Realistically it has no future (puts on flame proof suit).
>  > So what can you do about it.
>  >
>  > DON"T be complacent.
>  >
>  > Consider this besides WebDU and your CFUG.  How many presentations have
>  > people done on Cold fusion.    How many kill sites where highlighted as
>  > Coldfusion sites.
>  >
>  > I've not heard of any, so if I'm wrong tell me.  But people you need to
>  > get outside of the user groups back into the rest of the web industry.
>  > If you really love this product and it's more than a day job get out
>  > there promote it to others.  The rest of the web community hears about
>  > RoR, PHP and .Net all the time.. Coldfusion... - "oh thats that dead
>  > language".
>  >
>  > It's a PR problem.
>  >
>  > Okay you say "but I have all the work I need, why should I bother at
>  > all".  Well you can sit around with all your work, but in a few years
>  > the work level will start to drop and at that stage it will be terminal,
>  > Coldfusion will be dead.  The reason you have lots of work, simple
>  > others have left, and you are picking up their slack.
>  >
>  > Adobe are not going to help you.  Australia is a small market, if the
>  > Coldfusion numbers dropped in Australia but remained the same in the
>  > US.  I don't think Adobe HQ would really be that concerned.  Lets be
>  > very realistic here. Adobe doesn't make a lot of money out of Coldfusion
>  > in Australia, it makes more out of CS3 etc.
>  >
>  > Adobe guys, lets be real here, you don't have the budget. So if Adobe
>  > isn't going to help, what can you do.
>  >
>  > Encourage the installation of the CF opensource alternatives.  Okay they
>  > are not 100% cf8, but it is a good stable platform for  cfml development
>  > that is very low in cost.  Stop being purists.  CF has to Open source in
>  > Australia to help it survive.
>  >
>  > Also is you get industry to push the CF opensource alternatives, and
>  > educational institutions will follow suit and train graduates in CF.
>  > Adobe (US) may even wake up at some point.
>  >
>  > So what can you do now.  We email, phone, IM a web professional group
>  > that is not your CFUG and go organise to do a presentation of your
>  > latest CF project.
>  >
>  > I would love to see this happen, but a little part of me doesn't think
>  > you guys can do it. Prove me wrong.
>  >
>  >
> >

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