Gar! I will be at a client's office right about then. Will the
presentation be recorded?

On Thu, May 1, 2008 at 11:28 PM, charlie arehart
>  Hello my Aussie friends, I wanted to let you know that today (your Friday)
>  we will be having the Online CF Meetup event at a special time, more
>  conducive to you (and many others around the world). We normally meet at
>  noon and 6pm US EDT, but today's meeting will be at 11pm (Thursday, US EDT).
>  That's 1pm in the Aussie east coast.
>  You can find the exact time for you using this work clock feature, which
>  shows the time fixed at 11pm US EDT and you can see the time in your city:
>  &hour=23&min=00&sec=0&p1=25
>  The talk is by Robin Hilliard, talking on the new CFInterface tag in CF8.
>  You can find more details about that, and our meeting at noon US EDT (by
>  yours truly, on using RDS in Eclipse, DW, and HomeSite+/CF Studio), as well
>  as about the CF meetup in general, at
>  Just thought some may appreciate a special heads up about the special time,
>  and a preso to the world by one of your own. :-)
>  /charlie
>  >

Kay Smoljak
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