
It's a bit of a two-edged sword... Whilst LinkedIn and LinkMe expose
you to a number of contacts it really depends on how much networking
you are willing to make... but also to generate some sort of revenue
by saying "Here I am, I can do this, this, this and this thing as
well", really depends on how much you are willing to promote

In my case, the majority of my network is composed of recruiters who
are very much aware of my situation at all times (ensured by regularly
updating my profiles) as well as sending the occasional broadcast to
them to let them know of my situation; and I also make use of the Jobs
links to see what else there is out there...

On occasion they will buzz me through these sites... but more often
than not, by setting up such a network, they tend to contact me

I don't expect a large response from these sites, but it does help
things... because it does promote you... the thing is, in order for it
to work for you, you need to sell yourself on these sites...

I guess I can leave the decision up to you...

~ Eliseo

On Jul 8, 3:17 pm, "Mike Kear" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My son was berating me over the weekend for being behind the times.
> (no surprise there - that's what sons have always told their fathers
> since time began) .  He told me i ought to be using networking web
> sites like Linkedin to grow my business.
> Well i'm on Linkedin but to tell the truth i havent put much effort
> into it.    Are those sorts of sites any use for getting business in
> this field?   I am well aware of hte power of networking sites for
> putting you in contact with others, but what i'm wondering is how
> useful are they for actually generating cash-type paid work?
> Has anyone got an opinion about that, or are you all doing the same as
> i am - put my name there with the attitude "well it can't hurt and you
> never know if something might come out of it"
> --
> Cheers
> Mike Kear
> Windsor, NSW, Australia
> Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
> AFP Webworkshttp://afpwebworks.com
> ColdFusion, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET hosting from AUD$15/month
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