The finish time of auctions on grays online is DIFFERENT to ebay!
(sorry for the yelling in this, but I feel this needs to be said!)

The auction ends when the LATTER of these happens:

- The auction time expires
- 10 minutes after the last bid

So if you bid at 5:59:59pm and the auction closes at 6:00pm the
auction will not end until 6:09:59 - there is NO stealth bidding. You
can not bid with 5 seconds to go and win five seconds later. There is
ALWAYS 10 minutes after any bid before an auction can close.

Please don't bid 10 seconds to go, it really gets me really peeeeeed
off! Who the heck is A.T. from Melbourne - grr... oh well got two new
CF 8 boxed product for $600 for both from grays anyway, so can't be
too unhappy..

-- This ends my rant for the day.
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