
I've got an excel spreadsheet which I am parsing with cfHSSF (http://

In it are a few time fields (elapsed times, like 2 mins, 50 seconds)
which are returned as something like this: 0.00208101851852

Is there an easy way to convert that to minutes and seconds in CF?  In
Java I can use POI to return it as a date, and then format it like

DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("m:ss.S");

Does CF have a simple way of converting the float value to a date?  I
have seen an IsNumericDate function, which returns true for this
value, but I can't see a method which allows you to create a date from
a float.  Am I missing something?

I guess I could just do it in Java if all else fails, but I was hoping
to keep it all in CF if possible.

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