It should be a singleton. You do not want to recreate the coldspring factory
on every request.
If you get a chance check out the Fusebox coldspring lexicon.

On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 10:50 PM, Gavin Baumanis <>wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> I have the following code in my index.cfm
> Which is part of a fusebox application.
> Thus EVERY request goes through index.cfm
> <!--- Initialize ColdSpring --->
> <cfset coldspringConfig = 'coldspring.xml' />
> <cfset properties = StructNew() />
> <cfset properties.dsnName = "itw_local" />
> <cfset application.beanFactory = CreateObject('component',
> 'coldspring.beans.DefaultXmlBeanFactory').init
> (defaultProperties=properties) />
> <cfset application.beanFactory.loadBeans(coldspringConfig) />
> My question is, should the bean factory be created as a singleton?
> Should I wrap it in something like;
>    if(NOT StructKeyExists(application, "beanFactory"))
> Or is it appropriate to recreate in on every request?
> if it should be a singleton, following on from my previous tinkering
> with Transfer - I assume the service CFCs (Managers / gateways) should
> also be singletons?
> Thanks.
> >

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