Ryan, here are a couple of stabs in the dark: 

First, if you flush the template cache (in the CF Admin, on the "caching"
page, clicking the button at the bottom for "clear template cache now").
Does that at least solve the problem? It would only be temporary, but it
would prove that the problem is confusion in the template cache.

What would be the cause? Well, without elaborating too much or asking more
questions, can you at least report if the CF built-in web server is enabled
on the server (as might run at port 8500, or others, if you enabled it at
installation of CF or later)? If so, are you in a position to disable it and
restart, and try things again? 

I've seen situations where requests in CF get crossed up and instead of
looking in the webroot of the external web server (say, IIS), it looks in
the webroot of the CF server (such as cfusionmx7/wwwroot, or on the
multiserver deployment,
[jrun]/servers/[instancename]/cfusion-ear/cfusion-war). And assuming your
files are not there, you get the 404.

You can learn more about disabling the web server in this old technote:


It's a little dated. The location of the jrun.xml file to update, for CF8 in
Server mode, is [ColdFusion8]\runtime\servers\coldfusion\SERVER-INF. In
multiserver mode, it's in [JRun]\servers\[instancename]\SERVER-INF.

Let us know if this helps.


-----Original Message-----
From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:cfaus...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf
Of Ryan
Sent: Monday, June 22, 2009 5:44 AM
To: cfaussie
Subject: [cfaussie] CF8 "file not found" strangeness

Hi all,

I've had a shared CF8 site set up at WebCentral for a relatively
simple site. It's exhibiting a really strange error.

If I FTP upload a file, say "testfile.cfm" (doesn't matter what is in
it) it will work fine.
If I then re-upload exactly the same file, it's returning a "File not
Found" error, and that filename can not be used again even if I delete
the file and re-upload it.


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