Hi, I'm not sure what most people have as a Coldfusion configuration,
but we run Coldfusion on windows servers using JRun4, we use IIS as
the web server and Jrun4 is set up as a connector.

I'm currently load testing and trying different values for the maximum
simultaneous threads, thread pool size, backlog size and timeouts.
I'm wondering if anyone here has had experience configuring these
values or knows enough about them to share some advice on them.

Here are some values I have at the moment (these aren't the same as
what we are using in our production environment).

activeHandlerThreads 60
backlog 500
maxHandlerThreads 500
minHandlerThreads 1
timeout 60
threadwaittimeout 60

What I'm trying to do is get a good balance for normal server use, and
also have the server not get bogged down and fall over if it gets
flooded with too many requests at one time (we do have a proxy server
in front preventing DOS attacks etc, but of course it doesn't prevent
legitimate cases of high usage)

I've seen around the net that Linux recommends about 200 to 400ish
maxHandlerThreads but windows servers can have 1000 to 3000 (which
seems odd, because I'm not convinced that windows could schedule that
many threads)

Any ideas / thoughts?

Barry Chesterman
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