Well I decided that I should have a play with Robin's Demo application
and make sure that I could get that working...

And it would seem there might be some other issue other than code
going on here, because I get the exact same error when trying to run
the sample application.

I turned on debug output and when the error is thrown I get the
following message;
Cannot perform web service invocation send.
The fault returned when invoking the web service operation is:
'' java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: argument type mismatch

In the separate debug output window I get a different message though.
galaxy/Service.cfc(416) @ 09:10:05.780
type    Application
message Cannot perform web service invocation send.

I don't know if the messags mean the same and they're ust represented
differently or what the story is...

Can I bother someone to download the download Galaxy and try out the
sample app?
I'm on CF9 - so I'd be interested to see if it is a CF version
specific issue or not.

You can obtain the required code (via SVN) from;


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