On 12/08/2010, at 2:34 PM, Seona Bellamy wrote:
> <cffunction name="downTree" hint="Returns the details of everything needed to 
> make an item" access="public" returntype="array" output="no">
>         <cfargument name="aItems" type="array" required="no" default="">
>         <cfscript>
>             var result = arrayNew(1);
>             var i = 1;
>             var qItem = "";
>             qItem = getItemMadeBy(aItems[1].id);
>             if (qItem.recordcount) {
>                 result[1] = structNew();
>                 result[1].id = qItem.id;
>                 result[1].item = qItem.item;
>                 result[1].skill = qItem.skillname;
>                 result[1].makes = arguments.aItems;
>                 downTree(result);
>             }
>         </cfscript>
>         <cfreturn result>
>     </cffunction>

I'm sure Geoff would have something like this for Eve by now. You can see with 
the function above that no matter how deep you recurse there is only ever going 
to be an item in the first position in the array, so there's definitely a 
problem. You could make a build tree like this (pseudocode):

function makeBuildTree() : struct {

        stDependencies = structNew();

        for all nextItem in allItems {
                if not structKeyExists(stDependencies, nextItem.id)
                        stDependencies[nextItem.id] = structNew();

                for all nextMadeThing in getItemsMadeBy(nextItem.id) {
                        if not structKeyExists(stDependencies, nextMadeThing.id)
                                stDependencies[nextMadeThing.id] = structNew();

                        stDependencies[nextMadeThing.id][nextItem.id] = 

        return stDependencies;

If you then cfdump a key in stDependencies you'd see a tree of ids showing what 
built what. You might then use the little known but usefuly recursive CF 
function structFindValue(returnValue[id], "", "all") to get an array of all the 
keys under a branch of the result.

Robin (who should get back to some project work)

Chief Technology Officer

RocketBoots Pty Ltd
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Sydney NSW 2001
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