On 5/01/2011 3:38 PM, rai...@ozemail.com.au wrote:
Hi I am starting to use the schedule task feature in cf9 however I find
it is still a little limited in functionality

The frequency options are limited to daily, weekly, monthly

There is no provision for activities to be scheduled...

When you think about you have to allow for every time/date combination under the sun, there are just too many options. One example we bump into regularly is scheduling backup tasks that run say every 1st Sunday, 2nd Sunday, etc. What about the 5th Sunday? They pop up every so often and I haven't seen a tool yet that handles that.

So have a task script that runs every day or even more often than that and put time/date decoding logic in that to run the actual task you want done, directly, as a cfthread or an http call, whatever is appropriate.



Kym Kovan

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