hmmm, It would be ideal to check within our Application.cfc if the
request is a SOAP request, but using IsSOAPRequest() inside
application.cfc doesn't work, it always returns false. Is there a way
to check if the request is a web service request within
Application.cfc? Ben Nadel posted that the FORM scope doesn't exist
when a web service is called, but checking against that seems a bit of
an odd way to go about it - there must be a better way?

On May 6, 10:46 am, BarryC <> wrote:
> excellent I never thought of doing that, thanks, I'll have a go and
> see if it works out. :)
> On May 6, 9:27 am, Phil Haeusler <> wrote:
> > Hi Barry
> > Have your empty Application.cfc extends your base on and then override
> > OnRequestEnd() with an empty method.  That will give you all the other
> > methods you want.
> > Or make use of the IsSOAPRequest() function and use it to ignore the
> > code you are not wanting to run for your web services.
> > Phil
> > On 6/05/11 7:02 AM, BarryC wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > We have an application.cfc at the root of our website, it contains a
> > > function OnRequestEnd() that does some stuff at the end of page
> > > generation, but this seems to get called for our web service files.
> > > I have a web service in a cfc file in a sub-folder within the site,
> > > but in our logs we get error messages when web services are called,
> > > the error is an empty string, but it gives the file and line number
> > > the error is coming from which shows it is our OnRequestEnd() function
> > > when web services are called.
> > > So our structure looks kind of like this;
> > > /webroot/
> > > Application.cfc
> > >     /subfolder/
> > >         /service/
> > >               webservice.cfc
> > > Is there a way to get the web services to ignore or somehow override
> > > the OnRequestEnd() function? I put an Application.cfc file into the
> > > service/ folder and created an empty OnRequestEnd() function but it
> > > seems that the other functions we have in our root Application.cfc no
> > > longer get called either such as OnRequestStart().
> > > We're on Coldfusion 9.
> > > Thanks
> > > Barry

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