Because we can hit a database and we authenticate the user they can
enter pretty much any info from the printed certificate to validate
it. We do store the hashed key for lookup.

Checksums (with my limited understanding) are probably more useful in
cases where you can't get back to check a database to verify a value.
I guess the other thing with checksums is, I think, they are not as
bullet proof (unless you get into stupidly long keys). From memory the
checksum on an ISSN conversion to a EAN ISBN is one digit (don't quote
me, it was a while ago I did it).


On May 13, 10:49 pm, Gavin Baumanis <> wrote:
> So how do you check that the key is valid then?
> Do you need to store valid keys in the application like a pubic /
> private key pair?
> Or do you simply check via the checksum, alone?
> Ahhhh the penny has dropped....
> That's why key generators are successful.
> Because they create valid segments and a valid checksum of those
> segments.
> And since your application just checks to see if the key / checksum
> are OK - it is possible to create a valid key by guessing /
> algorithm...
> It's actually quite simple in design, really.
> Thanks!
> On May 13, 9:53 pm, Rawdyn <> wrote:
> > Similar to Dale's suggestion. We embed keys in certificates upon
> > completion of our e-learning courses. They comprise known things like
> > clientID, executionID or whatever else identifies the item and then we
> > just hash it. We then allow governing bodies to login and enter the
> > key (which appears on the printed certificate) to verify it's validity
> > and currency.
> > Rawdy
> > On May 13, 8:29 pm, Gavin Baumanis <> wrote:
> > > Hi there everyone.
> > > I have been asked to think about  - which is code for make happen as
> > > soon as possible...
> > > Implementing licensing into our application.
> > > I have visited our good friend Mr. Google... But as you can appreciate
> > > any search with licensing in it - doesn't quite give me what I
> > > want.... I get a lot of license agreements and terms and condtions and
> > > the like....
> > > So I thought I better ask if anyone has any ideas, prhaps you have
> > > some relevant material you can share with us?
> > > As is always the case, Thanks in advance!
> > > Beau.

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