I would concur with M@ and Steve, Taco. Generally the problem would seem to
be related to one of their observations. Here are some more thoughts that
may help.

To Steve's observation, consider that when you start CF from the command
line (cfstart), it runs under the account of the user you are logged in as.
When you start CF as a service, it runs instead under the user that  the
service is set to use (System, by default, or any other user of your
choosing). So first, check what user the service is set to run as.
Especially if it's not System, then it may be that there is an issue with
permissions for files used by CF, for that user. 

I'm curious: do you see *any* messages of interest in the [cf]\runtime\logs
(or [jrun]\logs), relative to this startup? Even if not while it's starting,
what about if you cancel the starting process? You may see also that there
is some port conflict. To that, you may say "how can that depend on the
user". I wouldn't think it would, but it points to what could be another

And that goes to M@'s observation. You said that the bat does not use a
different jvm.config, but here's a different way to look at the possible
issue: not whether "The bat file [points] to a different jvm file" but
instead, whether the *service* does. Especially with the Multiserver form of
deployment, it's not unusual for folks to want to have each instance to have
its own jvm.config, and they can read various blogs that show how to do
that. The cfstart.bat, on the other hand, defaults to using the basic

It's a little hard to tell if/how the service uses a different jvm.config.
One way is to look at the registry entry for the service. Another (clumsy
but trustworthy) would be to introduce an error into the jvm.config (that
you THINK the service is using) and see if the startup using that service
does indeed fail due to whatever error you introduced.

Now, Taco, I realize that in your case you're saying that the service
doesn't start at all, as it is, so it's harder for you to rely on this
technique, but I'd still wonder if you might get a very different
error/response to starting the service if the jvm.config had some blatant
(intentionally introduced) error. It's worth a shot.

But it could be still something else. Let's hear what you think of the
above, or whatever else you/others may have to say. Interesting challenge.

/charlie arehart


Providing fast, remote, on-demand troubleshooting services for CF (and

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From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:cfaussie@googlegroups.com] On Behalf
Of Steve Onnis
Sent: Monday, May 16, 2011 9:15 AM
To: cfaussie@googlegroups.com
Subject: RE: [cfaussie] CF9 Service does not start but cfstart.bat does


Also i think the different methods use different system users to start the


From: M@ Bourke [mailto:m.electronic.at.sym...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Monday, 16 May 2011 10:52 PM
To: cfaussie@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [cfaussie] CF9 Service does not start but cfstart.bat does


Hi Taco

does your bat file refer to a different jvm config file?

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